How to know oneself through Astrology?
For Sarah, astrology opened doors to self-reflection and awareness. Gazing at her birth chart, patterns emerged through the astronomical lens that deepened her understanding from within.

The placements of Mercury, Venus and Mars shone light on how she expressed, loved and pursued passion. Recognizing duality between her airy and watery placements, she better accepted both free-spirited and emotional sides as whole.

Transits alerted her to internal shifts, like intuitive hunches arriving during lunar phases. This attuned her to natural rhythms, flowing with life's ebbs and flows.

Exploring other's charts gifted empathy. She saw past surface judgments to core drives set in celestial motion since birth. This softened edges of conflict through compassion for life lessons not fully within our control.

By honoring how planetary energies shaped her uniquely, self-imposed limits dissolved. She embraced all parts as perfect passages along her soul's journey, charting her path with renewed courage.

Most potent though was realizing each encounter, from fleeting to lifelong, brought priceless pieces to her cosmic puzzle. Our connections, like shifting signs, ebb and flow yet withstand time. Perhaps, she mused, the astrological mirror simply reflects love's light already within, shining our shared humanity ever brighter.